Baptism at Federated Church is a sacrament (or sacred celebration) signifying God’s gift of love and grace to everyone. It is the sign and seal of God’s never-ending care for the ones being baptized. As such, it is open to all people.

Because baptism is also our human response to that divine grace, it is expected that those being baptized, or their parent(s), will display a commitment to Federated Church. Faith is developed through practice in Christian community. Thus it is vital that those requesting
baptism here be active in the life of the church and regularly present in worship at Federated. Baptism can be arranged by contacting one of the pastors. Baptisms will be celebrated in public worship. There, the ones being baptized, or their parent(s), will make promises of commitment to the mission of Jesus Christ, and the congregation will make promises, in return, to assist in the development of faith.

In circumstances in which the baptismal commitments cannot be met, a rite of blessing may be offered.

We welcome your participation in the life and faith of Federated. For a deeper understanding of baptism, see this sermon of Hamilton's from 2013.

Policy Reapproved at Church Council 2/28/2013